Kindness in Action: Campaign for Ukraine’s Children

Campaigns are initiatives aimed at a region or population.  These are generally carried out in partnership with Alliances, International NGOs or strategic partners.  Our current campaign is to support children and families in the war zone in Ukraine.

Kindness in Action

Humanitarian Advocacy focuses on supporting and advocating for families at risk of harm in conflict zones. Our past work has served children and families in DRC, Haiti, Cameroon, and currently focuses on Ukraine. We have an informal network of parents living in eastern Ukraine, identified through personal contact, who locate children at risk and direct aid to them. Humanitarian Advocacy does not charge fees and does not pay salaries so that all donations go to serving those in need.

Currently, donations pay for food, housing, clothing, and critical transportation (such as for medical care). We also provide some support for Christmas and birthday gifts.

For more information about this campaign you can contact us at [email protected].